Cedar Grove Cemetery
Cedar Grove Cemetery located in the borough of Queens, in the city of New York, had its first recorded burial on July 27, 1893. It is now the final resting place for over 36,000 souls. Cedar Grove Cemetery is as diverse as the community it serves. It is home to a melting pot of nationalities and religions. For example, people of African, South American, American, Armenian, Chinese, Indian, Latin, and Russian and many other nationalities are buried within it's gates. In addition, Cedar Grove Cemetery is home to people of all religions of the world.Cedar Grove Cemetery is governed by the New York State Not-For-Profit Corporation Laws. Cedar Grove, like many non-sectarian cemeteries, has graves that allow for 3 deep burials. Our regulations do not require a vault for burial. Burials of cremated remains and in private mausoleums are common place at Cedar Grove.The first recorded burial at Cedar Grove Cemetery was on July 27, 1893.
Care can be provided on a seasonal basis or an endowment can be created so that graves can be tended to in future years.
Cemetery Grounds

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